Saturday, December 30, 2006

Top 10 for 2006

Of the things accomplished in '06 - here are the 10 that I am most proud of.

  1. My little boy went from an infant to a toddler and had so many developmental milestones that I couldn't name just one, but he is defintely my best accomplishment to date
  2. This one isn't really about me, but it makes me proud none-the-less. I watched my husband struggle in his job until August when everything turned around for him with the start of his new job at a brand new company. I'm proud of him for the things he's been able to do there already and I know it was a good move
  3. I have managed to go back to work and still be a mom to my little boy and a wife to my amazing husband
  4. I didn't give up on my quest to get my pre-baby body back. Although I may not have quite made it to the very top mountain, I'm very, very close and I know after # 2 arrives, I will realize my success
  5. I actually got to read some books this year - albeit, most of them were trashy like, "Something Borrowed" and "Something Blue", but I was reading none-the-less. My goal for early 2007 is to actually read something of significance before number 2 comes along and makes that even harder!
  6. This past summer I took an over-run, under-kept garden (multiple plots actually) and made them all into something really pretty - and almost completely weed-free!
  7. I sang again this year for the first time in many years - and it felt good
  8. I've continued to find some time for myself throughout the year - I actually went to the spa for a day in August! Now that was nice!
  9. I haven't felt guilty for not doing everything that I think I should - going to all the social functions that we used to, having my house perfectly neat and clean every moment of the day. Going back to work has taught me that I'm only capable of doing so much in any one day and my weekends shouldn't just be about doing all the things I can't get done during the week. We're trying to make one day each weekend family day where we do something fun as a family - and cleaning the house and grocery shopping don't fit into that category. The challenge continues for 2007...
  10. The number 10 thing on my list is silly, but to me it's a big thing. I have successfully developed a laundry system that not only works, but is manageable!

So there you have it. My life is not exciting or glamourous, but the things that I've been able to do not only for myself, but my family and friends makes me look back at the year and feel content. The best part is that I don't feel like I have anything that hasn't been taken care of - there are no loose ends. Now that's something to be proud of!

Happy 2007!

Friday, December 29, 2006

It's been a long time coming...

I would like to say that I have so many reasons for not putting a post up here since, oh, July, but sadly, in truth I do not. Life has been no more so chaotic than before July. The world has not disrupted into utter chaos (well, no more so than usual) I have simply been lazy.

I think it's probably safe to assume by this point that the only person who will be reading my blog is me - which probably isn't a bad thing. You can only expect people to check out your site for so long without giving them anything new to look at. I've been waiting though to have something to post that would be meaningful and have some depth - apparently I'm just not that deep anymore.

So, the holidays are just about over. We survived 12 people at our house for dinner on the day of - the turkey was a masterpiece, the side dishes were equally well prepared and in short, I feel like I did my mom proud. The house is slowly returning to "normal" and I think that before Alex's birthday next month, I might actually have found homes for all of his new toys. Somehow though, even though I should feel happy and relaxed that all of this stuff is now behind me, it instead feels like something is missing. Maybe it's the lack of snow, or maybe it's just the general feeling that I wasn't ready for the holidays to be here and I'm certainly not ready for them to be over and to have to go back to work on Tuesday and start to deal with it all over again.

I can't believe another year is rapidly coming to a close. I can't believe that in just a few short days I will have been back at work for a year. In just a little under a month, Alex will be turning 2 and every day he is becoming more independent. My heart breaks a little when I tickle or kiss him and he looks at me with his scolding face and says "No mommy!" I know we're supposed to "raise" them and teach them well and all that stuff - but can't they just stay babies for a little while longer?

But then again, it could also be that I'm just a ridiculous raging vessel of hormones who shouldn't be allowed to converse with anyone about anything of real significance right now. The most amazing part about 2006 was that we found out there will be another little munchkin in our family by the end of Summer 2007. It's funny, I've been trying to describe to people how I feel this time and the only way that I can do that is to say that it's completely different. I don't feel the same sense of scared excitement that I did last time - it's not quite as earth shattering as the first time I peed on the stick and it said "oui"! I am however approaching this pregnancy in a much more mature way - I'm not going to ear Dairy Queen every night just cause I can. I'm also trying to be as active as possible - the small man in my life has a lot to do with that for sure!

I'm trying to find ways to make this pregnancy as special as the first one, so I may actually use this spot as my prenancy forum. That way if anyone is interested in posting, you can leave me your thoughts, feedback and stories about your experiences too.

Exhaustion is taking over my body - it feels good to be back though. If you're reading this - thanks for sticking it out with me!