On this, our beautiful country's 139th birthday, I would like to take a few moments to reflect on the things that I absolutely LOVE about the place that I am lucky enough to call my home.
1) In our 10 provinces and 3 territories, none are exactly alike and all beautiful for their own reasons. On the West Coast, there is the amazing Pacific Ocean along with the breath-taking Rockie Mountains that seem to go on for ever and ever, and on the East Coast the beauty of the Atlantic seems to be more and more stunning with each piece of road travelled, it becomes more and more awe inspiring with every bend and rise in the road. Don't even get me started on all the provinces in-between - Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Quebec and then there's my favourtie....
2) Ontario - this is where I call home, this is where I roam, this is where I am constantly struggling to decide where it is I love the most. I ADORE Toronto and all it has to offer. The night life, the culture, the diversity, the excitement, the stink - who couldn't love that city? But then, there's the general area of Peterborough where I called home for so many years and still feel the most amazing sense of calm wash over me as I hop onto the 115 on my way to the farm. Or what about Bloomfield - home to the most amazing ice cream shop in the world ,Slickers Icecream! My sister and I discovered this amazing little place a few years ago on a quest to find the best cookies in the world and it turns out Bloomfield should really be famous for ice cream instead of cookies! Oh well and the Sand Banks are pretty impressive too and only about 10 minutes away from Bloomfield!
3)Health care - OK, I know that our system isn't perfect and there's so many things I would like to see changed about it, but I think we all take for granted the fact that we can go and see a doctor when we need one (I didn't say anything about whether or not it was a walk-in clinic doctor or one that actually knows who you are) and not have to shell out hundreds of dollars for them to tell us we have a flu bug and it will go away in a week or two. Again, I know it's not perfect, but it does without a doubt have some merits that I have experience first hand both through the birth of bum-bum and all of my mom's various treatments.
4) I can't believe that I've kept this until number 4, but I am so imensely thankful that I was able to stay home for an entire year with my wee man with the support of the Ontario government.
I can't even imagine how I would have coped if we did live anywhere else - although I don't know all of the facts, I know that many people in the states are only entitled to 3-months. I had a c-section so for me, I was only just starting to feel OK at the 3-month point so I can't even imagine having to go back to work so early. Plus, when I think of all the amazing milestones that I would have missed had I have had to go back to work early.
there are two final things that as a true and proud Canadian I can't imagine a list of this nature NOT containing
5) HOCKEY - I am a tried and true bud fan. I'm still holding out for the return of my beloved CuJo - I've still got his jersey hanging in the closet and it will come out again in support of his home-town return! Although my husband will tell you that I'm not really a fan, that I don't sit on the couch with him anymore to watch the games, but I love hockey. I love the thrill of the game and I love especially going to the games. And you know why? I love going to the games because I love standing in crowds at the ACC and listening to the beer-guzzling, hot-dog munching, air-horn blowing leafs fans standing together, hats over their hearts singing proudly all the things that Canadians hold near and dear. I want Toronto to take a lesson from Edmonton - now there's a town who knows how to sing our anthem!
6) Timmie's coffee - I don't think I need to say any more on that subject other than you know it's a Canadian icon and I LOVE THAT COFFEE!
Over the next few weeks I will be venturing into the states several times for work and what I can tell you is that I truly love visiting the US and travelling to different cities - I have a certain fascination for the way that things could be so different in a country so close by. However, it always hits me hardest when I land back at Pearson just how much I truly love this country and how lucky we truly are to be Canadian.
I want them to bring back the Molson ad - I AM CANADIAN!
1 comment:
technically i am a dual canadian-u.s. citizen, but mama, that u.s. passport never sees the sun.
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