OK, so here I am, day number 1 of my vacation time (I call this officially day 1 because everybody else had yesterday off too!) Here's what I've so far been inspired to do. Have coffee, read blogs, read more blogs, have another coffee and then read a few more blogs. My husband tried to cut me off from the blog world last night - he said I am addicted and that he's feeling neglected. Can you believe that? This from the man who every morning when he wakes up rather than roll over in bed and whisper sweet nothings in my ear, he drags himself out of bed and comes out to the living room where he brings his little black side-kick to life and checks his
email. I mean come on, at least I'm sitting with him on the couch when I'm reading blogs - I'm not in the front room curled up reading a book, or out spending money on frivilous new belly tops (seriously, I never could have gotten away with a belly top even before I got pregnant and my tummy used to be pretty damn flat!) I even made it through an entire movie with him the other night - which I should explain is the family joke. I used to work for a large distribution house and got so used to watching the same movies over and over again that now, usually once the credits come on, I'm out like a light! I've seen more opening and closing credits than anyone out there!
When I was a kid growing up, I had teenaged angst. Who doesn't right? My mom didn't understand me, the boy I was in love with didn't want to have anything to do with me becasue of course I just wasn't cool enough and my parents didn't have the perfect, supportive relationship that I thought they should. Where did all of this outpouring of emotion get published? In my "secret diary" of course. Now, the funny thing is that it was this silly pink diary that said right on the front of it - "my diary". Not so secret really! My sister had the exact same one, so really, just how secret was it, I ask?
I wrote all kinds of things in there and I still occasionally will go back and read through the pages and realize with the knowing of a more seasoned person (and now mother too) that things really weren't so bad. As a matter of fact I had it pretty good comparitively, but as other bloggers have very recently written about, how do you really know how much you've grown and how far you've come if you don't have some kind of a record of where you've been?
This, my confessions page is my new "secret diary." It's the place where I want to share my thoughts and dreams because now, I like to hear the opinions and other stories of other moms and women. I'm at that point in my life where the sisterhood is really important. And knowing that there are other women out there that have been through similar situations and who can give me unbiased opinions is very comforting.
So, although I love CJ more than I will ever be able to express, having contact with the blogging world has become very important to me. So, this week will be not only about me having special time with the husband, but with my blogging world as well!
Tomorrow I'm going to the eye doctor - seriously, I don't think I can handle the excitement!!
Blogging is so addictive.
Thanks for you comments on my site. They mean a lot.
I'm officially addicted as well...it's so fun to see "REAL" women out there with the same thoughts, rants and crappy days just like you!
I have learned that when my hubby says he is going to bed...I pack up and ship out as well. This way he feels needed...even if he isn't getting frisky (LOL) he cuddles with me (something I need) and we both go to sleep happy. Let me say it was not always this way...I would stay up late and make him go to bed alone...after a while, not a great thing for our marriage.
Check out my Blog when your in the area…happy blogging!
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