I know, I know, I've been neglectful. I know there are certain people who dutifully check my blog every day only to be disappointed by my lack of postings...K.S. you know I'm talking about you!!
The truth is two-fold, so here it is.
1) I haven't really had a whole lot to say. Well no, that's not entirely true. What I really mean is that I haven't had a whole lot that I wanted to put out there for the world to see. There's lots going on inside my head these days like, why am I not pregnant again yet? How come there are pregnant women all around me (that doesn't mean I'm not over the moon thrilled for those of you who are!) but I'm not? And how come if I'm not pregnant, I haven't lost those 10 lbs I swore would be gone by now?? I mean seriously, what are my excuses? All I do all day long is sit on my butt in front of a computer screen. As if I can't find 40 minutes in a day to do some cardio! I keep telling myself that this is going to be the week where I actually get going and go for a walk every day at lunch - but then I get to Friday and realize that it hasn't happened. Where did my resolve go??? I need to nominate someone to be my exercise drill Sargent. Anyone up for the job? Someone to yell at me every day and make me do something?? Anyone, anyone? Buller?
2) Facebook. Yes, that's right, I said it -- and I'll say it again! I LOVE FACEBOOK! Not like I love my husband or I love my son love - but in this really creepy, addictive and scary way I love it! I've found out information about people that I haven't talked to in years and it's very satisfying to know that I look pretty freakin' good compared to some of those people!! I know that's shallow and vain but, well, come on! Who doesn't want to show up at some reunion (be it their 10 yr High School or Uni / College) and walk out at the end of the night knowing that they aren't the one everyone is going to go home saying "holy shit, the years have not been good to..." Come on, you know it! You and I both know full well that if you had a reunion in a mth you'd be starving yourself like crazy trying to squeeze into the skinniest outfit you could. God, we're twisted!!
So, there you have it. My excuses are avoidance and avoidance. I'm starting to feel a little bit less awestruck by Facebook these days though. I don't have the same opportunities to post on there as I do here so don't worry, I'll be back. I will begin to post more regularly - and hopefully, if the fates work as I think they should - I will very soon be posting about being barfy and bloated and wondering again why I thought getting pregnant was such a good idea!
You can still visit me on Facebook if you'd like to see more pictures!!
You are too funny! Thanks for the post...of course you would post the day I decide to stop checking!!! Have fun with Facebook and I am sure we will find other ways to catch up! I think I need a drill sergeant too...oh well at least I am doing pretty well with my night time snacking and bringing lunch from home that should help a bit right? And running after my boys who are getting to be really fast on their bikes counts as cardio right??
Talk to you soon!
it's ok; I talk to you everyday anyway.
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