When I first decided to post a blog I thought I would ocassionally post something here. Things that were happening in the village world - things that perplex me as a person. I never really thought that I'd have to actually find time to think about the kinds of things that I wanted to post. Every day stuff happens. Everyday Bum-bum does something hysterical and Captain Jack usually does something that's noteworthy - I didn't say it was always good, although for the most part it is! I wonder though does anyone else have the same problem? Do you ever sit down and think I really want to post something - something profound and amazing but just don't seem to come up with anything? Oh, btw, in case anyone was wondering the post that is titled "}! was Alex's handywork - apparently he wants to be a part of this blog too!
I find time to be a very stressful issue for me now. Finding time to spend with all of my friends and family - or the lack there of. Finding time to keep my house organized and clean is a battle that I really seem to be losing. On the weekend, I swear I am constantly picking up the exact same things over and over again. Sometimes I think I'm Bill Murray trapped in Pucksatony (I totally made the spelling of that up, but I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about!) Seriously though, does anyone else ever just say forget it and walk away from the weebles scattered all over the floor? I think that June Cleaver is not someone for us to look up to and admire, I think she's someone that we should abolish from the minds of others for forever. I'm no super-mom and I don't pretend to be either. I'm not going to lie to you, if you came to my house without giving me at least 45 minutes notice (which I absolutely have no problem with...) I can't promise you that there wouldn't be dishes in the sink, a bit of dog hair here and there and potentially a full layer of toys covering the floor plan of my house! I refuse to spend my precious time doing stuff that I don't even enjoy except when I absolutely have to.
Mommies of the world unite!
Time is my biggest issue (and worthy of a whole post). I would like to write something profound but it's pretty hard when you only have a 10 minute window.
I try to keep priorities straight-and housekeeping is the last one!
do you think that june is available to swing by my place, say, every other week or so? the dust bunnies are having baby dust bunnies, the cat is shedding like nobody's business, i could bury a small car under the pile of laundry in the bedroom and i believe it's time to change the brita filter. but it's a beautiful day and me and mischa have to go make splashy-splashy in her new water table. tell june to lock the front door on her way out.
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