I just had a crazy realization. Less than two months ago I felt like each day took an eternity to pass. I felt like it would take 10 years for Spring to arrive and for me to forget everything that happened. Don't get me wrong, I've forgotten nothing and I still have the odd emotional moment when I think about the fact that I would have had a nice protruding belly by now - but holy shit, I just realized that March is half over and next month, the long weekends start again!
I love long weekends. I hate the traffic that is involved with them but I love, love, LOVE that extra day to putz around my house. To go on a trip somewhere and not feel like we really only have 2 hours to spend there before we have to turn around and get ready for the week ahead. I want to make big plans this year for our long weekends - especially the May and July ones. Although I love them, we never really do anything special. Now that we have the little man, travelling in bumper to bumper traffic isn't really our idea of fun and getting out of Dodge while everyone else is doing it doesn't really make any sense to me.
So, I think we'll plan to celebrate our backyard on the 2 best long weekends of the year. I'm already starting to plan my gardens and think about the pretty blooms that will frame the corners of my backyard this summer. I will make the trek to the Peterborough Farmer's market this May and get my flats upon flats of flowers so that I can feel that satisfaction of making something look so esthetically pleasing that even I as a Libra will be able to relax and enjoy some solitude in my favourite Muskoka chair.
Seriously, is it April yet??